Welcome to WTA website.


Terms & Conditions

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this agreement is to define conditions and procedure for use of all services ("service") provided by Kukkiwon site (“this site”), right, obligation, responsibility of user and this site, other necessary matters etc.

Article 2 (Declaration and Revision of Agreement)

  • 1.This site posts details of this agreement, address, administrator's name, name of staff in charge of personal information protection and contact information (telephone, fax, email address etc.) on the initial service screen (front) for enabling users to know such information.
  • 2.This site may revise this agreement within the scope not violating relevant laws and regulations such as the Act on the Regulations of Agreement, the Framework Act on Electronic Commerce, the Digital Signature Act, the Law regarding the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Protection of Information, the Door to Door Selling Act, the Consumer Protection Act etc.
  • 3.In case of revising this agreement, this site specifies and announces date of application and reason for revision on the initial screen of this site together with current agreement from 7 days before application to the day before application.
  • 4.This site will provide you with its service on condition of your agreement with contents of this agreement, and in case you agree with contents of this agreement, this agreement will be applied preferentially to this site's provision of service and your use of service.
  • 5.Agreement with this agreement means your confirmation of changes in this agreement by visiting web on a periodic basis. This site holds no responsibility for the damage of user that occur due to user's ignorance of changed agreement.
  • 6.In case of not agreeing with changed agreement, member may ask for withdrawal (cancellation) of membership, and in case of using service continuously without expressing intention of refusal 7 days after the enforcement date of changed agreement, it is regarded as agreement with changes of agreement.
  • 7.Matters not stipulated in this agreement follow the regulations of the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, Deliberation Regulations of Korea Internet Safety Commission, the Ethics Code of Telecommunications, the Computer Programs Protection Act and other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 3 (Definition of Terms)

Definitions of terms used in this agreement are as follows.

  • 1.User: Person who receives service provided in this site in accordance with this agreement
  • 2.Use contract: A contract between this site and user related to use of service
  • 3.Join: An act of completing service use contract by entering information in the application form provided by this site and agreeing with this agreement
  • 4.Member: As a person who registered as a member by providing personal information necessary for membership this site, a person who is allowed to use information and service of this site
  • 5.User identification(ID): Combination of letters and numbers selected by user and granted by this site for identification of user and user's use of service
  • 6.Password (PW): Combination of letters and numbers selected by the user for verification of user and protection of one's personal information
  • 7.Withdrawal (Cancellation): An act that member terminates use contract
  • 8.Terms not defined in this agreement are defined by the separate agreement and regulations for individual services.

Chapter 2 Formation and Cancellation of Use Contract

Article 4 (Formation of use contract)

  • 1.Use contract is formed with user's consent for contents of this user agreement and use of this site.
  • 2.To agree with this user agreement, user may express one's intention by pressing 'Agree' button of this site at the time of applying for use.

Article 5 (Membership and Withdrawal)

  • 1.Membership is formed as an applicant completes joining by recording matters requested by a membership application form provided online by this site.
  • 2.This site may cancel membership for each of the following cases.
    • 1) When applying by using another person's identity
    • 2) When specifying false information in the membership application form
    • 3) When applying having an intention of hindering the stability, order or fine custom of society
    • 4) When disturbing another's use of service of this site or appropriating another's information
    • 5) When doing an act prohibited by the laws and regulations and this agreement using this site
    • 6) In case requirements for membership decided by this site are incomplete
  • 3.In case of each of the followings, this site may defer formation of use contract until the reason is resolved.
    • 1) In case of lacking in the service-related capacity
    • 2) In case there exists a technical obstacle
  • 4.Services provided by this site are as follows, and this site may provide changed services by notifying users of the details of service to be changed.
    • 1) All forms of services that this site develops autonomously or provides through consultation with other organizations
  • 5.In case there are changes in registration, member shall inform this site of such changes immediately through correction of membership information etc.
  • 6.In case you have no intention to receive service provided this site after joining as a member, you may withdraw (cancel) your membership at anytime.

Article 6 (Grant and Change of User ID etc.)

  • 1.This site grants user ID to the customer in accordance with terms and conditions of this agreement.
  • 2.User ID is unchangeable, in principle, and in case user wants to change one’s ID for unavoidable circumstances, the user needs to cancel the ID and rejoin.
  • 3.In each of the following cases, user ID may be changed upon customer or company’s request.
    • 1) In case there is a concern about invasion of privacy as telephone number or national ID number is registered as user ID
    • 2) In case user ID is repellent to the others or harms public morals
    • 3) Other rational reasons
  • 4.Membersip ID can not be changed and if there are unavoidable situation which you need to change your ID, you have to withdraw from the membership and resign.
    • ※ WTA does not hold any responsibility for your withdraw which can be lead to education result disappearance or any other disadvantage.
  • 5.User is responsible for management of user ID and password. User is liable for damage in service that occur due to careless management of ID and password, or illegal use by a third party, and this site holds no responsibility for the aforementioned.
  • 6.Matters on the management and change of user’s personal information follows terms and conditions of this site.

Article 7 (Consent for Use of Membership Information)

  • 1.Personal information protection policy of this site is applied to your personal information.
  • 2.Information for joining this site is collected, used and protected as follows.
    • 1) Collection of personal information: This site collects your information through the information you provide at the time of joining this site.
    • 2) Use of personal information: Regarding provision of service, this site does not leak or distribute your personal information to a third party without your consent. However, the foregoing is not applicable in case of national agency’s request in accordance with regulations of the laws such as the Framework Act on Telecommunications, or for the purpose of investigation of crimes, request by the Korea Internet Safety Commission and request in accordance with procedures decided by the relevant laws and regulations, or in case you disclosed your personal information you provided to this site.
    • 3) Management of personal information: For protection and management of personal information, you may correct/delete your personal information on a frequent basis at the ‘Management of Personal Information’ at this site. Of the information you receive, you are also allowed to change/adjust information that are considered unnecessary.
    • 4) Protection of personal information: You may read/correct/delete your personal information, and such information is being managed completely by your ID and password. Accordingly, you must not inform others of your ID and password, and make sure to log out and close the window of web browser at the end of task. (This is necessary for protection of your personal information when using a computer in public spaces such as internet cafe, library where you share computers with others.)
  • 3.Your application to this site for use of service in accordance with this agreement is regarded as consent for collection and use of membership information specified in the application form.

Article 8 (Information Security of User)

  • 1.From the moment you completed joining procedure of this site, you are fully responsible for maintenance of confidentiality of information you entered, and all the results that occur as a result of using ID and password.
  • 2.You are responsible for management of ID and password, you must report to this site immediately if you discovered illegal use of your ID or password. You are fully responsible for all the matters that occur due to failure of report.
  • 3.User shall log out exactly at every end of service in this site, and this site holds no responsibility for damage and loss that occur as a result of a third party’s illegal use of your information caused by failure of logout.

Article 9 (Hours of Service Use)

  • 1.Without special business or technical obstacles of this site, hours of service is 24 hours a day and open year-round.
  • 2.Of the hours of service use in the Clause 1, day or time decided by this site for the necessity of periodic inspection etc. is excluded.

Article 10 (Suspension of Service and Notice of Suspension)

  • 1.In case contents of messages kept in this site or transmitted and other communication messages were not stored or transmitted or were deleted due to state of national emergency, blackout, disruption of service facility and force majeure other than the management scope of this site, and loss of communication data, this site holds no relevant responsibilities.
  • 2.In case this site needs to suspend service temporarily for difficulties in normal provision of service, this site may suspend its service after notifying reasons, data and time of suspension 1 week before suspension of service on the homepage, and this site holds no responsibility for the result that occur as you failed to read the notice during the period of suspension. The period of advance notice may be reduced or omitted for unavoidable circumstances. In addition, this site holds no responsibility in case contents of messages kept in this site or transmitted and other communication messages were not stored or transmitted or were deleted and loss of communication data due to suspension of service.
  • 3.In case of suspending service permanently, this site follows Clause 2. In such a case, however, the period of advance notice will be 1 month.
  • 4.This site may correct, change and suspend its service temporarily after advance notice, and holds no responsibility toward you or a third party regarding the foregoing.
  • 5.This site may suspend service without advance notice due to unavoidable reasons such as urgent system check, extension and replacement of installations etc., and may suspend current service completely for the reasons that this site considered appropriate such as replacement to a new service etc.
  • 6.In case normal provision of service is considered unavailable due to state of national emergency, blackout, service failure or flood of service use, this site may limit or suspend part or the whole of service. In such cases, however, this site will notify users of the reason and period before and after suspension.
  • 7.In case service is suspended due to the reasons that cannot be controlled by this site (disk failure, system down without system administrator’s intention or mistake), advance notice becomes unavailable, but this site does not notify suspension of system due to intention·mistake of others (PC communication provider, key telecommunications business operator etc.)
  • 8.This site may devide its service into specific ranges and designate hours of use separately for each range. In such a case, however, this site will notify the details.
  • 9.In case you violated contents of this agreement, this site may limit, suspend or cancel use contract discretionally without your consent. In such a case, this site may prohibit the user from accessing this site.

Article 11 (Provision of Information and Publication of Promotional Materials)

  • 1.In operating service, this site may provide you with various information through the methods of publication in the homepage, sending e-mail or mail etc.
  • 2.This site may publish promotional materials that are considered appropriate for service or beneficial for public interest.

Article 12 (Management·Operation of Posts in This Site)

  • 1.You have the right on the contents of post you posted.
  • 2.This site has a right to edit and move posted contents without advance notice, and may delete without advance notice for following cases.
    • 1) In case of publishing a post violating service agreement of this site or considered commercial, illegal, obscene or vulgar
    • 2) Contents that slander other members or a third party, or damage other’s reputation with slandering
    • 3) Contents that disturb the public order and public morals
    • 4) Contents that are acknowledged to be connected with criminal acts
    • 5) Contents that infringe on copyright of a third party
    • 6) In case of violating relevant laws and regulations
  • 3.In case your posts violate others’ copyright, you have both civil and criminal responsibilities.

Article 13 (Restriction on Service Use)

  • 1.In case contents of information you provided are identified as false or there is a rational reason for suspicion, this site may suspend part or all of your use of service, and holds no responsibility for disadvantages that occur due to the foregoing.
  • 2.In case you violate contents of this agreement such as Article 15 (Duties of Members) etc., this site may limit or suspend use of service discretionally. In such a case, this site may restrict your access to this site.

Chapter 3 Duties and Responsibilities

Article 14 (Duties of This Site)

  • 1.This site has duties not to act going counter to the matters prohibited by laws and this agreement or public morals, and shall take efforts for providing service on a continual and stable basis.
  • 2.This site does not leak or distribute members’ personal information to the others without the member’s consent. However, the foregoing is not applicable in case of request from relevant national agencies in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as laws and regulations related to telecommunications etc.
  • 3.This site has duties not to act going counter to the matters prohibited by laws and this agreement or public morals, and shall take efforts for providing service on a continual and stable basis.
  • 4.This site holds no responsibility for failure of service use caused by the reasons attributable to users.

Article 15 (Duties of Member)

  • 1.Member shall enter accurate information required for joining this site. Member shall also maintain and renew previously-provided information, and shall not have a third party use one’s ID and password.
  • 2.Members is prohibited from any kind of profit-seeking activity using service without prior consent of this site.
  • 3.Member shall not use information obtained through use of service by way of copying, reproduction, modification, translation, publication or broadcasting or providing to a third party without prior consent of this site.
  • 4.Regarding use of service in this site, member is prohibited from doing each of the followings.
    • 1) An act of appropriating and using other member’s ID and password illegally
    • 2) An act of transmitting, posting, publishing, e-mailing or transmitting of contents that are vulgar, obscene, threatening or may invade other’s privacy
    • 3) An act of disguising the source of contents transmitted through service
    • 4) An act of posting, publishing, e-mailing or transmitting of contents that cannot be used in accordance with laws and contract
    • 5) An act of posting, publishing, e-mailing or transmitting of contents violating other’s patent, trademark, copyright and other intellectual property rights
    • 6) An act of posting, publishing, e-mailing or transmitting of advertising, promotional materials, spam mail, chain letter, recommendation of a pyramid organization without approval of this site
    • 7) An act of collecting or saving another user’s personal information
    • 8) An act aiming at a criminal act or other acts related to crimes
    • 9) An act that harms well-conditioned custom and other social order
    • 10) An act of damaging or insulting other’s reputation
    • 11) An act of infringing on the rights such as other’s intellectual property rights etc.
    • 12) Hacking or act that distributes computer virus etc.
    • 13) An act of transmitting advertising information continuously against other’s will
    • 14) Overall act that disrupt or may disrupt stable operation of service
    • 15) Modification of information posted in this site
    • 16) Other acts violating the Clause 1 of Article 53 of the Telecommunications Business Act and Article 16 (Seditious Communication) of the Enforcement Regulations of the same act

Chapter 4 Others

Article 16 (Ownership of This Site)

  • 1.This site has ownership of intellectual property rights and other rights related to the service, software, image, mark, logo, design, service title, information and trademark necessary for provision of service.
  • 2.Unless approved clearly by this site, you are prohibited from correction, rental, sale, distribution, production, transfer, re-licensing, establishment of security right, commercial use of the whole or part of each property stipulated in the previous clause, and shall not allow a third party to do so.

Article 17 (Prohibition of Transfer)

Member is prohibited from transferring or donating one’s authority over service use and contractual status to others, and shall not provide it as security.

Article 18 (Compensation)

With respect to the service provided at no cost by this site, this site holds no responsibility for any types of damages to the member excepting criminal acts conducted intentionally by this site.

Article 19 (Exemption Clause)

  • 1.Responsibility over provision of service is exempted in case this site is unable to provide its service due to natural disaster, war and force majeure equivalent to the aforementioned.
  • 2.For damages that occurred due to key telecommunications business operator’s suspension or failure of normal provision of telecommunication service, this site is exempted from the responsibility.
  • 3.This site is exempted from responsibility over damages that occurred due to unavoidable circumstances such as repair, replacement, periodical inspection or construction of service facility.
  • 4.This site is exempted from responsibility over the damages that occurred by the errors of user’s computer or faithless input of member’s personal information and e-mail address.
  • 5.This site is not obliged to assure or represent opinions or information displayed in this site, and does not approve, oppose or correct opinions expressed by the members or a third party. Under any circumstances, this site holds no responsibility for profits or damages that you obtained depending on the information contained in service.
  • 6.This site holds no responsibility related to item transaction or monetary transaction between members or between members and a third party through the medium of this service, and does not assume responsibility related to the profits that members expect regarding use of service.
  • 7.This site holds no responsibility for profits and loss you expect using service of this site or damages caused by the data obtained through the service, and is not responsible for reliability of information, data and fact that member publish in this service.
  • 8.Of the damages that occurred to you regarding use of service, this site holds no responsibility for damages caused by your intention and mistake.
  • 9.This site does not guarantee accuracy, completeness and quality of the contents of service provided by subscribers or other related organizations, not by this site. Therefore, this site holds no responsibility for loss or damage of all types you will have by using the contents. In addition, this site holds no responsibility to compensate for psychological damages users may have by other users while using service of this site.

Article 20 (Competent Court)

Lawsuits filed against conflicts raised related to the use of this service shall be governed by the court having jurisdiction over the location of this Academy.

Supplementary Provision 1. (Enforcement date) This agreement will take effect from February 17, 2017.

Consent for Collection of Personal Information (Mandatory)

  • 1.Information and communication service provider collecting and use personal information of users must inform users of each of the followings, and obtain user’s consent. The same applies when changing anything of the followings.

  • 1) Purpose of collection·use of personal information Kukkiwon collects personal information for fulfillment of a contract for provision of educational service, calculation of training costs according to the provision of service, filing for tax refund for unemployment insurance course and management of the history of trainees. In case a user consented for receipt of information, email, address and telephone number (including SMS) may be used for provision of information related to education and as promotional materials of this site.
  • 2) Purpose of collection·use of personal information When users join this site, this site collects the minimum personal information necessary for users’ service use. Personal information that this site collects from users at the time of membership are as follows.
    • -This site collects ‘ID, password, name, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number for authentication’ as mandatory items when a user joins this site. In case a user is a child under 14, this site collects information of a legal representative (name, date of birth, gender, DI (Duplication Information), mobile phone number) additionally, and collects email address as an optional item.
    • Personal information that this site collects from users in the course of service use are as follows. Additional personal information may be collected from users in the course of using individual service, entering for an event and application for prizes within this site. In case this site additionally collects personal information, this site inform user of ‘items of personal information to be collected, purpose of collection and use of personal information, retention period of personal information’ and get the user’s consent at the time of collecting such personal information. In the course of service use, record of service use and information of device such as IP address, cookies, date and time of visit·record of illegal use can be created and collected. In detail, the foregoing means that ① information and communication service provider creates and collects information of a user through an automated method or ② collects unique information of the user after converting safely for making it unable to confirm its original value.
  • 3) Use of collected personal information
    • This site uses personal information only for following purposes such as management of members, development・provision and improvement of its service, construction of safe environment for internet use etc.
    • -This site uses personal information for confirmation of intention to join as a member, confirmation of age and consent of a legal representative, authentication of user and legal representative, identification of user, confirmation of intention to withdraw membership etc.
    • -In addition to provision of existing service such as contents etc., this site uses personal information for discover of new service and improvement of existing service such as demographic analysis, analysis of visit to and use of service, provision of personal information-based customized service etc.
    • -This site uses personal information for prevention and restriction of behaviors causing inconvenience to smooth operation of service including limitation on the use of members who violate laws and user agreement of this site, prevention of appropriation of account and illegal transaction, delivery of notice such as revision of agreement etc., preservation of records for dispute conciliation, handling of civil petitions etc. protection of users and operation of service.
    • -This site uses personal information for authentication with respect to provision of charged service, payment of charges, delivery of certificate and written confirmation upon completion of education etc.
    • -This site uses personal information for the purpose of marketing and promotion such as information of event, provision of opportunity for participation, provision of advertising information etc.
    • -This site uses personal information for statistics of the provision of customized service and publication of advertising according to the record of service, use, analysis of access frequency, statistics of service use, analysis and statistics of service.
    • -This site uses personal information for constructing environment for service use users can use without fear in terms of security, privacy and safety.
  • 4) Personal information destruction company destructs user’s personal information without delay in case of the user’s withdrawal of membership. In case retention period of personal information is separately agreed by the user, or in case a duty to retain information for a specific period of time is imposed by the laws, such company retains personal information safely for the period. Cases of getting user’s consent on the retention of personal information include followings. For prevention of illegal joining and use, records of illegal use such as illegal joining, record of disciplinary action etc. are destructed after 1 year of retention from the time of collection. Personal information applicable to the records of illegal use include mobile phone number (ID of a legal representative for members under 14 ) for authentication for membership. Records of illegal transaction for payment in this site (ID, name, mobile phone number, address, address, cookies, device information) violating related laws and user agreement of this site such as appropriation of payment information, illegal discounted loan (so-called ‘cash-back transaction using a credit card) are destructed after retaining for 3 years from the time of collection for prevention of illegal transaction, protection of other law-abiding users and guaranty of safety environment for transaction.
  • Cases of retaining information of electronic commerce for a specific period of time in accordance with laws such as the Act on Protection of Consumers, Electronic Financial Transaction Act, Act on Protection of Communications Secrets etc. include the followings. This site retains personal information for the period in accordance with laws, and does not use the information for other purposes.
    • -The Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce etc. Record of contract or withdrawal of agreement etc.: to be retained for 5 years Record of payment and supply of goods etc.: to be retained for 5 years Record of settlement of consumer complaints or disputes: to be retained for 3 years
    • Electronic Financial Transaction Act Record of electronic finance: to be retained for 5 years
    • Act on Protection of Communications Secrets Record of login: 3 months

  • 2.In each of the following cases, information and communication service provider may collect·use personal information of users without consent in accordance with Clause 1.
    • 1) In case receiving usual consent is difficult noticeably due to economic·technical reasons with respect to the personal information necessary for fulfilling a contract for provision of information and communication service
    • 2) In case it is necessary for calculation of charges for provision of information and communication service
    • 3) In case specially regulated by the act or other laws